At the trailer launch of Chhapaak, director Meghna Gulzar was asked why wasn’t Laxmi Agarwal present at the panel. The director had then mentioned that she had a plan for Laxmi and now, she has finally revealed it. At the title track launch of Chhapaak, Meghna Gulzar finally brought Laxmi Agarwal and Deepika Padukone together.
Since Deepika Padukone will be portraying Laxmi Agarwal’s character as Malti, it was only fitting that the two launch the title track together. Both Deepika and Laxmi have interacted previously but Meghna wanted a special occasion to bring them together. Meghna has also worked closely with Laxmi during the development of the story and Malti’s character.
Slated to release on January 10, Chhapaak also stars Vikrant Massey.
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