The Raj Mehta directed film Good Newwz released a while back. Starring Akshay Kumar and Kareena Kapoor Khan in the lead roles the film has been doing brisk business at the box office. In fact, Good Newwz that received positive audience feedback post the release of its trailer was welcomed by both the critics and audience with open arms. After opening on a steady note in the last week of December, the business of the film has continued to see good growth.
Now after its second weekend running, we take a look at the box office collections of Good Newwz on its second weekend while comparing the same to previous releases of 2019. Collecting Rs. 34.20 cr Good Newwz has managed to out beat the Hrithik Roshan – Tiger Shroff starrer War that had collected Rs. 33.30 cr, and also Akshay Kumar’s previous release Housefull 4 that had collected Rs. 29.98 cr to become the fourth highest second weekend grosser of 2019. However, the business of the film does not manage to surpass the collections of certain other releases like Kabir Singh that collected Rs. 47.15 cr, Uri – The Surgical Strike that collected Rs. 38.22 cr and Mission Mangal that collected Rs. 36.45 cr.
Currently, Good Newwz faces little competition from the new releases, but despite this the film continues to remain the audience’s first choice in theatres. In fact, trade predictions state that the business of Good Newwz will continue to hold strong in its second week as well.
Top 5 Highest Second Weekend Grossers of 2019
Movie Name – Box Office Collections
Kabir Singh - Rs. 47.15 cr
Uri - The Surgical Strike - Rs. 38.22 cr
Mission Mangal - Rs. 36.45 cr
Good Newwz - Rs. 34.20 cr
War - Rs. 33.30 cr
Housefull 4 - Rs. 29.98 cr
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