The Akshay Kumar starrer Good Newwz released in the last week of December and has been doing well since then. Directed by Raj Mehta, the film that also features Kareena Kapoor Khan opened on a good note after receiving positive reviews from critics, following this, the business of Good Newwz witnessed exponential growth as the days progressed. Now, a week after its release, the business of the film has managed to cross the Rs. 200 cr mark at the worldwide box office.

Good Newwz Box Office Collections Akshay Kumar starrer Good Newwz grosses Rs. 200 cr. at the worldwide box office

Collecting Rs. 161.90 cr gross at the domestic box office and another Rs. 45.86 cr gross from the overseas markets, the total worldwide box office of Good Newwz stands at Rs. 207.76 cr. Given the fact that the business of the film managed this feat within a week of its release, expectations are that the collections of Good Newwz will continue to grow over its second weekend and second week as well.

In fact, with little to no competition from new releases, trade predictions state that the box office collections of Good Newwz could well see a jump in its second week.

Good Newwz Worldwide Box Office Collections at a Glance
India box office Nett: Rs. 136 cr
India box office Gross: Rs. 161.90 cr
Overseas Gross: Rs. 45.86 cr [6.42 mil. USD]
Worldwide collections Gross: Rs. 207.76 cr

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