The Raj Mehta directed Akshay Kumar starrer Good Newwz has been making headlines ever since the release of the film’s trailer. Last week, the film that also features Kareena Kapoor Khan opened on a good note with positive reviews from both the audience and critics alike. After this steady opening the business of Good Newwz saw exponential growth over its opening weekend and even managed to cross the Rs. 100 cr mark.
In this box office report we take a look at the opening week collections of Good Newwz while comparing the same to Akshay Kumar’s previous releases. Collecting Rs. 127.90 cr Good Newwz has managed to become Akshay’s third highest opening week grosser. In fact the business of the film has surpass the collections of Akshay Kumar’s previous releases like Kesari that collected Rs. 105.81 cr, Toilet - Ek Prem Katha that collected Rs. 96.05 cr, Rustom that collected Rs. 90.9 cr, Gold that collected Rs. 87.3 cr, Housefull 3 that collected Rs. 80.1 cr, Rowdy Rathore that collected Rs. 79.52 cr, and AirLift that had collected Rs. 78.5 cr. However, the first week collections of Good Newwz that released across 3100+ screens in the domestic market do no surpass Akshay’s other films like Housefull 4 that collected Rs. 129.35 cr and Mission Mangal that had collected Rs. 128.16 cr.
As of now, buzz surrounding Good Newws is still pretty high, and trade expectation state that given the slate of new releases the business of the Akshay Kumar starrer might see a slight dip. However, despite this the film continues to remain the audience’s first choice in theatres.
Akshay Kumar’s Top 10 Highest Opening Week Grossers
Movie Name – Opening Week Collections
Housefull 4 - Rs. 129.35 cr
Mission Mangal - Rs. 128.16 cr
Good Newwz - Rs. 127.90 cr
Kesari - Rs. 105.81 cr
Toilet - Ek Prem Katha - Rs. 96.05 cr
Rustom - Rs. 90.9 cr
Gold - Rs. 87.3 cr
Housefull 3 - Rs. 80.1 cr
Rowdy Rathore - Rs. 79.52 cr
AirLift - Rs. 78.5 cr
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