Dabangg 3 stayed low on the third Friday as just Rs. 1 crore* more came in. The film has lost steam pretty fast in the second week and now third week would be further formality before Tanhaji - The Unsung Warrior arrives on the coming Friday. That would take away single screens that are still available for the Salman Khan starrer as in multiplexes it is anyways Good Newwz ruling the roost.

Dabangg 3 Box Office Collections: The Salman Khan starrer loses steam on its third Friday

The Prabhu Dheva directed film has collected Rs. 148.80 crores* so far and with some push should hit the Rs. 150 crores mark today. That would be the last major milestone that the film would manage as post that, even though some more numbers would come in tomorrow due to Sunday.

The film has underperformed in a big way and after Race 3 [Rs. 169 crores] this is yet another Salman Khan film to have stopped way short of the Rs. 200 crores milestone. Incidentally, both Dabangg and Race were set franchises but ended up with the weakest of the lot in the third installment.

*Estimates. Final numbers awaited

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