Mardaani 2 is now the biggest solo grosser for Rani Mukerji. The film has managed to edge past the lifetime numbers of her last release Hichki which had accumulated Rs. 46.18 crores in its overall run. In comparison, Mardaani 2 has now touched Rs. 46.50 crores* after bringing in Rs. 1.25 crores* over the weekend gone by.

Box Office - Mardaani 2 is a good success, all eyes on Rani Mukerji to do Mardaani 3 next

This is a good enough feat for the actress who has been around for a couple of decades and had in fact started her career with a female centric film, Raja Ki Aayegi Baaraat. While that was 22 years back, the actress is still going strong and is managing to pull audiences primarily on her name. In case of Mardaani 2, the antagonist was a new actor while the director too was a first timer. Still, basis the pull that she enjoys and also the content that the director managed to put together for the film, Mardaani 2 has emerged as a success story, which is quite good.

It is now a given that Mardaani 3 will also be made by Aditya Chopra. Though Mardaani 2 may just about miss out on the Rs. 50 crores milestone by a crore or two, one just hopes that Mardaani 3 is released with a lot more fanfare and eventually it manages to be a much bigger success that the franchise warrants.

*Estimates. Final numbers awaited

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