The recently released Rani Mukherji starrer Mardaani 2 has been doing rather well at the box office. After opening on a good note the film that received positive feedback from the critics was welcomed by the audience with open arms. Now just a week after its release, Mardaani 2 has managed to rake in approx. Rs. 46 cr. In this box office report we take a look at the economics of Mardaani 2 to analyse how profitable the film was for its makers.

Box Office Economics Rani Mukherji starrer Mardaani 2 makes approx. 25 cr. in profit for Yash Raj Films

Made on a total budget of Rs. 27 cr. [Cost of Production (CoP) Rs. 20 cr. + Print & Publicity (P&A) Rs. 7 cr.], Mardaani 2 has collected approximately Rs. 46 cr. at the domestic box office, from which the makers of the film stand to make Rs. 20.70 cr. as the distributor share. This coupled with Rs. 4.78 cr. as distributor share from overseas and Rs. 25 cr. from the sale of satellite and digital rights, the makers of Mardaani 2; Yash Raj Films stand to earn Rs. 50.48 cr. in totality as recoveries.

After deducting the initial cost of Rs. 27 cr., Yash Raj Films stand to earn Rs. 23.48 cr. in pure profit with 86.96% Return on Investment (RoI). Evident from this, is the fact that Mardaani 2 was certainly a rather profitable venture for its makers.

It may be noted that Yash Raj Films had also made a profit of nearly 170 cr. on the Hrithik Roshan – Tiger Shroff starrer War earlier this year.

Economics of Mardaani 2

Cost Of Production - 20 Cr.

Cost Of Prints and Publicity (P&A) - 7 Cr.


India Theatrical Box Office - 46 Cr. (Expected)

Distributor's share (A) - 20.70 Cr.

Overseas Theatrical  Box Office – 10.62 Cr. (Expected)

Distributor's share (B) - 4.78 Cr.

Satellite, Audio and Digital (C) - 25 Cr.


PROFIT - 23.48 Cr.


The Box Office figures are compiled from various sources and our own research. The figures can be approximate and Bollywood Hungama does not make any claims about the authenticity of the data. However, they are adequately indicative of the box-office performance of the film(s).

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