Director Kabir Khan has put his heart and soul in his next, ’83, with Ranveer Singh portraying the role of Kapil Dev. The team left for an elaborate schedule in June and even shot at the famous Tunbridge Wellswhich stadium where Kapil Dev scored the iconic 150 runs in an ODI against Zimbabwe. While there is no video evidence of this historic moment, the staff at Tunbridge Wellswhich surprised Kapil Dev pleasantly!
While Kapil Dev and Mohinder Amarnath accompanied the team to keep an eye on their stance and give them their expert advice, Kabir asked them to accompany the team for shoots as well. During the shoot, Kabir revealed that the ground officials surprised them with a plaque celebrating Kapil Dev’s record-breaking score. When they found out that Kapil was returning to the ground after 36 years, the county got really excited and it was like their hero had returned.
Kabir reveals that the ground is beautiful but not a lot of matches have happened there. Slated to release on April 10, ’83 also marks the first film of Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone post marriage.
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